Raising Healthy Food In a Regenerative Way

We believe that eating local food is good for you and good for the earth.


Fridays on the Farm 2025

Attn: Local Eaters!

Sign up now to secure a spot in our U-Pick CSA for the 2025 growing season.

How it works: Each Friday come to the farm to fill your CSA bag with pre-harvested items for the week! Pick out EXACTLY WHICH VEGGIES YOU WANT in your bag. Plus get unlimited access to additional u-pick items from the field.

The harvest will start in June! Click here for more information.

2025 Vegetable Programs

Take a minute to look through the following vegetable programs to find the best fit for you.

CSA U-Pick or Delivery

Each week between June and middle of October we will pack a bag of our freshest vegetables to be delivered to your home or office.

New in 2025! - U-pick Fridays - sign up for our U-pick CSA and get the best value by filling your bag with exactly what you want including access to a lower cost on U-pick items such as peas, beans, cherry tomatoes, ground cherries, flowers and more.

Co-op Membership

Work for your food! Sign up for 18 shifts throughout the growing season and receive a free CSA Membership.

Market Card

Get whatever you want, whenever you want it with this pre-paid card that will get you discounted pricing on our vegetables, flowers and microgreens. *New in 2025, market card purchases will qualify for drop site delivery.

Please note: We will not have eggs available until spring 2025. We are looking forward to partnering with a nearby farm this coming spring to supply our customers with some amazing eggs.

Farm Store

Farm Store Hours:

Our farm store is currently closed for the season. Thank you for a great year!

Farm store is behind our home near the silo. Park in the back by the garage.

Please pre-order by clicking the link below.

Co-op Membership

Each week in the summer brave families embark on a journey to help us raise the healthiest food in the healthiest way!